
Please see conventional, complimentary and alternative medical treatments for important background information regarding the different types of medical treatments discussed on this page. Naturopathic, Complimentary and Alternative treatments that may be considered include:


Conventional Treatments

There exist highly effective (greater than 90% cure rate) treatments for hepatitis C. Ask your primary care provider about these treatment options. Dr. Weyrich strongly recommends that patients who have hepatitis C take these treatments if possible. Only patients who are not a candidate for these curative treatments, have failed these treatments, or who cannot afford these treatments should consider the naturopathic, complimentary and alternative treatments described below.

Naturopathic, Complimentary and Alternative Treatments

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

[Dudley_hep_c] reports that hepatitis C is a condition that LDN helps. In one case, after taking LDN for about 3 years, six significantly elevated liver function enzymes all returned to normal.

Dr. Deanna Windham states that "LDN improves the immune systems's response to infections, including" hepatitis [type unspecified], "likely due to its immunomodulary effects on T cells, monocytes, and macrophages" [Elsegood2016, pg 36]

Dr. Weyrich has been trained in the use of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). However, Dr. Weyrich has not treated any cases of hepatitis C with LDN.

Please see What is Low Dose Naltrexone? for more information.
